News tagged with " Global goals"
Charity Day – June 2012
Here at Angel Solutions we support a number of charities on a monthly basis with donations, and we help others out whenever we can as part of our global goals…
Read onWe’re off to see the Wizard!
Angel Solutions took part in a Sport Relief derby today. Huge congratulations to the team of James, Sophie, John and John who also went beyond the call of duty and…
Read onMatt Sharples goes to South Africa
On Friday 29th September Matt Sharples left Angel Solutions to go to Cape Town, South Africa to work as a volunteer for AIS (Ambassadors in Sport). Matt joined Angel Solutions…
Read onAngel runs for charity
On Sunday 24th September Angel staff ran 5K to raise money for the charity ‘Fighting Blindness’ which is part of The British Retinitis Pigmentosa Society Nine members of staff started…
Read onJohn Winstanley runs for charity
John did the Great North Run on September 18th 2005 and raised money for Phab Kids To find out more information about Phab Kids click here:…
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