Nexus Data Tabs Launched!
Angel Solutions are really proud and excited to announce the launch of our new Data Tabs inside Nexus.
This gives Local Authorities, Academies and Schools an early, live view of 2013 National and Local Authority trends across EYFSP, Phonics, KS1, KS2 and KS3.
Just like the Ofsted School Data Dashboard, we show a 3 year trend but 2013 is based on a live, emerging, draft picture so schools can compare themselves to their Local Authority or National Average as it happens!
Great for benchmarking!
Working alongside NCER a consortium of Local Authorities in England, this data is updated nightly providing each Local Authority with early intelligence and providing them with the choice of including contextually similar schools too!
Local Authorities can determine when these data tabs are switched on and made visible to their schools.