Perspective New Features!

We are proud to announce that Perspective has had some major new features released that will benefit all our users.

We have been working hard over the summer on our exciting new modules which include: Lesson Observations and Professional Standards which look fantastic and have been really well received by those who have had a sneak preview!

As if that wasn’t enough, we’ve also completed our new Personal Dashboard for all users which bring together all the information across Perspective into one place including Targets, Actions, Professional Standards, CPD Needs, Lesson Observations and Reviews/Reviewees.

We have included some teaser screenshots below – get in touch with us if you would like to find out more on 0845 833 0933 or email

The New Perspective Dashboard for users

A list of my targets in the dashboard

Professional Standards

Evaluating against the professional standards

Professional Standards in your Dashboard

View your latest professional standard grades in the dashboard

Professional Standard Analysis

Professional Standard Analysis

Lesson Observations

Showing comments in a lesson observation form


Managing Lesson Observation Templates

Managing the lesson observations templates

Customisable Judgements in Lesson Observation

Editing a Grade Judgement

If you’d like to find out how hundreds of other schools and children’s centres are benefitting from Perspective then call us on 0845 833 0933 or email

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