Perspective New Features

As part of our on-going commitment to ensure Perspective is the best improvement tool for schools and children’s centres, Angel Solutions are proud to announce the following new features inside Perspective:

  • Observation Analysis
  • Professional Standard Analysis
  • Watchsted additional functionality
  • Perspective Observatory Notes and Websites tabs

We’ve included some screenshots and commentary below so you can see what has been included.  If you are not yet a customer and would like to find out more about how Perspective can benefit your school or children’s centre with self evaluation (SEF), development planning, performance management, lesson observations, professional standards, stakeholder surveys, document management and more please email or call 0845 833 7190

Observation Analysis

Since the launch of our Observations Module in Perspective we have had fantastic feedback and seen many schools and children’s centres creating their own templates for use across all staff.

The Lesson Observation dashboard is your starting point for creating, using and analysing your observations across your school or children’s centre.

Observation Dashboard


Choose from a number of filters including observer, team, year, class, focus, topic, group, lesson and date range.  We even let you choose to separate out or include those ‘self review’ observations often carried out by NQTs

Observation Analysis Filter


Based on your filters we provide realtime analysis of the results across your school or children’s centre.  You can drill into the judgements to see further information about the members of staff working at that level.

 Observation Analysis

Professional Standard Analysis

We’ve extended the analysis for the Professional Standards module inside Perspective to let you drill down into teams

On top of the pre-configured templates, Perspective enables users to create and modify their own standards and run them concurrently.  Staff keep their professional standards up to date in their own personal dashboards and this all integrates with the Performance Management module.


Following the popularity of our free public facing site we have not only integrated this functionality within Perspective, Perspective Observatory and Perspective Lite but added additional features and functionality to benefit our users.

Search for keywords across the main findings or recommendations in the latest Ofsted inspection reports.  Pick up patterns and trends. 
Common keyword searches include governance, advisory board, parent, literacy, music and many more! 

Watchsted Keyword Search


See analysis across the very latest Ofsted inspectionsCompare results in individual authorities all look at all inspections under the latest Ofsted inspection framework.

For Observatory users we also include the summary inspection grades for the schools or centres they manage so you don’t have to keep and maintain a separate list!

Watchsted Analysis


Watchsted Word Clouds build a picture of the major keywords across the main findings and recommendations within inspection reports. 
Where we hold your own school or children’s centre report we can also generate a word cloud based on your own inspection!

Watchsted Word Cloud


We’re now already busy working on additional features to include in our next release based on user feedback and changes in the education sector.

If you have an idea or suggestion for Perspective why not get in touch and let us know!  Email us with your comments at

The Perspective Team



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