Nottingham City Schools and Angel Solutions: Working in Partnership
Angel Solutions are pleased to announce that well over half of the Primary Schools in Nottingham City have, from January, embarked on a project which will see them utilise the Perspective toolkit for the next three years. The project is a tremendously ambitious one, bringing together the Local Authority, Transform Teaching Alliance and the Nottingham Learning Trust (NLT), with the express aim of furthering school improvement, city wide CPD opportunities, and continuing to foster the tremendous collaborative working already being undertaken by the groups and schools involved.
Perspective’s unique ability to allow leadership teams to work both independently and collaboratively on all of the critical processes related to school improvement and professional development – choosing whom they want to share and work with – was critical in the schools making the decision to choose to work with Angel Solutions.
At a group level, the visibility that the Observatory tool gives those coordinating CPD and training opportunities across hundreds of members of staff in schools with very differing needs, is going to prove critical in seeing those needs addressed effectively. We hope it will become a vital part of the excellent work, and the collaborative support, that is already being provided by both Transform and NLT.
As every school in Nottingham City also has access to the Perspective Lite system, allowing them to receive data and documents securely from the LA, it made perfect sense to tie all of these elements together. Now leaders not only have the tools at their disposal to work on and monitoring critical processes, but the support they need is there, alongside the data and the information they need to make critical decisions.
The roll out of the system has already begun in earnest, and things begin to accelerate this month. The 10th and 11th of February will see the first training days for school leaders. This will then be followed by the establishment of a working group of leaders, representing the schools and the groups involved in the project, to delve further into the potential of the system and start to define how we can achieve the aim of the project and support schools over the coming years in the most effective way possible.
All of the team here at Angel Solutions are really excited by the scope and the scale of the project, and we are looking forward to the training days next week to kick things off. Many thanks to all of those at Nottingham City LA, Transform and NLT for their hard work over the last six months in making this project a reality in 2014.