Perspective New Features
We’re pleased to announce the latest version of Perspective updated on Friday September 5th includes the following exciting new features:
- Home Page Dashboard
- Ofsted Inspection Framework update
- Observations & Trend Analysis
- Surveys
- 5 Minute Lesson Plan
- Infographics
- Performance Management Alerts
- New Logo
More information on each of these areas is detailed below complete with screenshots.
Home Page Dashboard
- A new personalised home page brings you intelligent alerts from all relevant areas of Perspective.
- See a summary of targets and actions, overdue flags, recently added observations and more!
- Instantly see the status of your performance reviews
- Quick access to key documents such as the SEF or Development Plan
- We hope you enjoy our countdown to Christmas too!

Ofsted Inspection Framework
Yes another framework change, and we’ve worked tirelessly over the summer ensuring the new sections are in place and content has been updated throughout the SEF as well as in the Bite Size Questions (BSQs) and guidance. We have also produced a summary of the changes which you can access on the new home page dashboard.
Observations & Trend Analysis
- Observation templates can now be created without an overall grade.
- We have also added a number of TREND ANALYSIS exports enabling you to see the progress over time for individual staff members for both individual templates as well as a version that lets you see all templates in a single export.

- We have enhanced the surveys module to let you turn off surveys that you no longer use (eg historic Ofsted Parent View templates)
- When you issue a NEW survey – it will only show you surveys that are turned ON.
- We have also added the ability to add a NAME to a template so you can issue more than 1 instance of a survey (for example to different year groups)
- The ALL SURVEYS page now lets you filter by template, name, status and dates to help you track your stakeholder feedback

5 Minute Lesson Plan
- We’ve worked hard this year to bring you an exciting new module – the 5 Minute Lesson Plan in conjunction with Ross McGill from The Teacher Toolkit.
- This works on both computers and mobile devices walking you through the stages to complete your plan before creating a beautifully formatted PDF for you to save, email or print out.
- The FREE version will let you create plans but not save them
- The FULL version supports multi users, will let you create and manage your own plans

We have updated the infographic creator to include the new SEN codes (E & K) as they are phased in for the Autumn School Census.
Performance Management Alerts
We have now brought these alerts into your inbox as well as the existing side bar in the performance management section.
New Logos
You will also notice a slight change to the Perspective Logo to bring this into line with our website
We hope you enjoy using these new features and as usual we are already busy working on our next release with even more enhancements!
If you are not yet using Perspective and would like to find out how hundreds of schools and children’s centres are benefitting from these and other features – then email or find out more by clicking here
If you have any questions please call 0845 833 7830