Settling In: Get the National Picture
Our Settling In Survey— the first survey ever to be issued to the entire Perspective Lite community — has been a resounding success!

More than 500 schools have taken part so far, with thousands of parents from all over the country giving their views on how their children have settled into school during this new academic year. As well as giving an individual school picture, the collated results from all Perspective schools has given us a reliable national picture of how parents feel their children are settling in. We have received some fantastic feedback on the survey from schools, including this one who used the survey just in time before Ofsted came calling:
The settling in survey was very well received and provided a useful piece of evidence. Being able to capture our parents’ views on the consultation evening was a positive step as, despite our best efforts, we only got 11 responses to Ofsted’s Parent View.Summerfield Primary School, Leeds
TThe Settling In Survey was great – easy to use and administer.Austhorpe Primary School, Leeds
All schools who use the Settling In Survey will automatically receive a summary of their own school’s responses. In addition, schools can receive our national benchmarking report that collates the thousands of survey responses we received across the whole of Perspective and Perspective Lite.
Who can receive the national benchmarking report?
Perspective Lite users need only book a free online demonstration with us before 15th November to qualify to receive this national benchmarking report. We will walk you through Perspective’s features, such as Teacher Performance Tracking, and demonstrate the many benefits available to your school.
The national benchmarking report would form a useful additional layer to your evidence, supporting any judgements you make when self-evaluating or setting development targets in school. In addition, you can show your report to governors and advisors and feed back to parents to evidence engagement.
Existing full Perspective customers — who pay a subscription to regularly issue surveys, collate responses and take part in other national benchmarking projects, amongst their other tools — will automatically receive the report at the end of November.
Assess the value for money in Perspective yourself! Either ask for a quote or book a 30 minute online demonstration before 15th November by emailing or by filling out our contact form.
If you have any questions please call 0845 833 7830