Observatory’s new look for November…
The winter holidays are fast approaching, and we’ve got some exciting new improvements to make your use of Observatory more efficient for the end of term! Keep reading for a rundown of what’s new…
We’ve refreshed the Analysis
You may notice we have changed your ‘Lesson Observations Analysis’ section. After feedback from users and careful consideration, we’ve renamed this section “Development Feedback Data”.

This is to support ALL the types of feedback you can use Perspective for including learning walks, book scrutiny and so much more…
We’ve brought the Development Feedback in line with the same look and feel as our KPI intelligence dashboards to make exporting data and creating groups a breeze!

You can now also toggle between percentages and counts as well as showing the legend to see what each grade colour represents.
You can also export what you see on screen to Excel, along with the popular Image and PDF choices.

That’s not all! You will also see we have applied the same changes to the Analysis for your Professional Standards. Not yet using our Development Feedback or Standards modules in your schools or academies? Get in touch with our friendly team to find out how we can save you hours of time by seeing results in real-time from your schools.
Pssst… This software release also includes some exciting new features for schools using Perspective Premium. If your schools are using Perspective Premium already then why not book a chat with our team to hear more about how these changes impact and benefit you.
If you would like to find out more about the reasons behind our language changes relating to ‘Observations’, then please click here to read our article.
A new landing page for all your settings!
We’ve introduced a new landing page to make your settings much more accessible. You’ll notice the organised categories with helpful text to explain what each section does. We will be adding more settings and options to this page in the future!

Don’t worry nothing has been taken away – and you still access this from the settings icon in the menu.
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Join us for a demo and we will show you how our users are benefitting.
If you or any colleagues would like training on any aspect of Observatory or have any other questions, please, don’t hesitate to contact us.