Perspective Upgrade Released

Following on from the recent addition of Performance Management to Perspective we are pleased to announce a further upgrade with the following enhancements based on user feedback. This will be available inside Perspective from Monday 11th July.

CPD Needs

  • Addition of Impact Statement on completion
  • User Interface changed to make better use of space and allow the writing of the impact statement on completion
  • CPD Needs Report now shows the staff member’s names against each item

Performance Management Reports

  • Performance Review Progress report – Major changes to show status and evaluation/monitoring statement and CPD Need Impact Statement 
  • New Reviewers Report showing all staff in the school – Visible by SLT members

Document Pool

  • Added a “hover” on each file to view the description, added a column showing the date the file was updated.
  • Where your Local Authority uses Broadcast, our tool to distribute documents and files to your schools, these will also appear inside an “LA Documents” folder


  • Added a csv export of your raw survey results. Now on top of the reports we provide you can create your own analysis having let Perspective do the hard work of collecting the data for you. You will see this on the Surveys Dashboard page

To find out more about Perspective go to

Or call 0845 833 7190 or email

Categories: Perspective

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