Ofsted Inspections for Children’s Centres

The first Children’s Centre Inspection under the new framework has now been published on the Ofsted website.


In addition, we’ve been made aware by our users of inspections taking place in the Wirral, Hertfordshire, Norfolk, Bedfordshire, Oxfordshire and Walsall Local Authorities that will be published shortly.

Very early initial feedback from some of these include:

  • Greater LA involvement in the inspection early on with regards to target-setting and performance monitoring. 
  • If a Centre(s) is working well with their targeted groups, there’s a greater focus on engagement with non-targeted! 
  • Early clarification of standalone Centre and collaborating Centres in respect of joint local events. 
  • Most focus placed on parents/carers ‘in reach’ of Centre(s). 

Perspective supports the new Ofsted SEF form, guidance and grade descriptors surrounded by a wealth of Perspective guidance, support and evidence prompts to help you generate a robust SEF for the new framework.

We will be running a series of webinars sharing our information on inspections and the ease of updating your SEF and action plans in Perspective on Monday 17th June and Tuesday 18th June at 10am-11am and 2pm-3pm.

If you’re interested in booking onto one of these FREE sessions please contact Siobhan O’Hagan on 0151 705 3656 or siobhan.ohagan@angelsolutions.co.uk.

Perspective can now support Cluster SEFs. To find out more about how you can produce a Cluster SEF, contact Mark Wright at mark.wright@angelsolutions.co.uk

If you have any other questions please feel free to email us at perspective@angelsolutions.co.uk

The Children’s Centre Team

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