Nottingham: Using Perspective

We asked some Nottingham primary schools to tell us what they thought of Perspective school performance software. Here are their unedited responses:

” We have found that using the observations module has supported the scrutiny and improvement of the quality of teaching and learning at our school, leading to more developmental support of staff from SLT.”
Pete Smalley, Headteacher, Southglade Primary and Nursery School
” We find the Performance Management tool really useful to have all the information in one place that both the staff and we as reviewers can access. It is useful to have the teaching standards on hand and staff are beginning to add actions and evidence, which allows them to add things as they go along. It is still an evolving process and that by next year, we will have all aspects up and running. It is very useful tool and saves much time.”
Carl Hollis, Deputy Headteacher, Scotholme Primary
” I have been using Perspective for the past 2 years and have found it an effective tool to collate information about staff in order to have a full understanding of their strengths and areas for development. Alongside this the training and information from the team has been wonderful in supporting me, and other staff, in order to ensure we are getting the most out of the system.”
Anna Grant-Thomas, Head of School, Portland Spencer Academy
” I love the potential of this programme! It’s great to have all Observations stored in one place and to benefit from the analysis tool. I find the support line and live chat really friendly and helpful, it’s great to know I can get help straight away should I need it.”
Karen Hannon, Headteacher, Ambleside Primary School
” As a school awaiting inspection, and having not updated our SEF in a while, the Bite Sized Questions were an ideal place to start. We went through them as an SLT (7 people) and went with our first instincts. It took about 1½ hours to complete. Before we started, I felt the school was on the Requires Improvement / Good boundary and that is what our responses showed.

It gave us a starting point for writing the SEF, a clear indication of where to shout about our strengths, and more importantly, where to focus our efforts. I would recommend this as a great starting point, or a really useful review tool.”
Andy Jenkins, Headteacher, Dovecote Primary
” The BSQs have helped the senior leadership team reflect upon self-evaluation and establish a common understanding of where the school is and areas for improvement. Each member of staff can record their own judgements using BSQs and these can be used to inform discussions. We found the tool useful and easy to use. It enabled a large group of people to quickly identify aspects of school improvement. The guidance notes were particularly helpful.”
Jamie Tee, Headteacher, Berridge Primary
” Perspective is an exceptional tool for creating personalised lesson observation templates, which include graded and text judgements, and for monitoring and recording performance in school. The useful Analysis Section provides instant trends to highlight areas of strength and development for individuals, key stages and across the whole school.”
Andrew Forshaw, Deputy Head Teacher, Whitegate Primary and Nursery School
” Heathfield Primary School have used a variety of observation and monitoring forms which we have personalised to suit our needs. Guidance from Perspective has been beneficial in our use of the website to store our monitoring in one place. The trend analysis and observation overviews are a clear way to see the quality of teaching in our school. ”
Julia Dickens, Deputy Head Teacher, Heathfield Primary School

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  • Build up a comprehensive online school development plan
  • Support your teachers’ professional development using the very latest standards
  • Incorporate the new Ofsted Common Inspection Framework into your scrutiny
  • See your Ofsted Inspector’s profile before an inspection

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Categories: Perspective

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