Perspective: a valuable tool for Teacher Training
Liverpool Hope University has adopted Perspective‘s Lesson Observation tool to monitor the progress of trainee teachers.
With such a large number of schools to cover and teachers to assess, Hope University needed a solution to help tutors save admin time and unlock sharper analysis. Perspective met all of their needs and more!
Take a look at how Perspective is impacting ITE students’ progression and improvement:
Perspective can be accessed from anywhere, which makes it a great tool to record observations of ITE students working in different schools, as well as the ability for senior leaders within the schools to record their own monitoring of the trainee teachers progress. ITE tutors in the university can highlight students who are under-performing and intervene early.
This saves us time, whilst also giving students instant access to their online portfolio of evidence.
If you lead an ITE college or are a teaching school and your team records monitoring for your trainee teachers, I would highly recommend talking to Angel Solutions about how they could help you to streamline your monitoring processes.
Michelle Pearson, Head of Primary ITE at Liverpool Hope University
Find out more…
- Why use Perspective in an ITE setting?
- Preview the Observation tool
- Summary of Key Benefits
- Help for Teaching Schools & ITE colleges
Why use Perspective in Initial Teacher Education?
Lesson Observations are carried out throughout a teacher’s career, but this is especially important during training, to ensure that Teaching Schools and ITE colleges are developing the best teachers possible.
Perspective’s Lesson Observations tool offers mutual benefits to both Tutors and trainee Teachers.
Our centralised online system allows ITE tutors to easily and consistently monitor a multitude of trainee teachers across a wide range of schools, as well as providing valuable evidence for those trainees to use in their qualification and for their own professional development.
How the Observations tool works
Recording lesson observations in the Perspective Lesson Observation tool is simple, each observation is entered into the system using a simple form as shown below. The tool does not dictate what kind of judgements should be made during an observation, in particular an overall grade is not mandatory. The statements and judgements on the form can be configured to the needs of your ITE college.

Summary of Benefits:
Accessible from anywhere and designed for you to use on any portable tablet during a lesson observation.
Get an EARLY picture:
Tutors see a live overview of all observations in an instant, meaning they can intervene early if any students need extra support.
Perspective offers powerful Observations analysis to help tutors make well-informed judgements on how trainee teachers are performing.
Students have their own portfolio of evidence stored online for them to access straight away.
Perspective monitors, analyses and trends trainee teacher performance throughout their qualification in the same way that they’ll be monitored once qualified.
Tutors have a streamlined system, allowing them to consistently track multiple teachers across multiple schools, saving time and admin overhead.
Tutors can also create bespoke observations templates, tailored to suit their own ITE students.
Related materials (e.g. lesson plans) can be uploaded as additional evidence and stored centrally alongside a student’s observations.
Find out more
If you’re interested in finding out more about how the Perspective Lesson Observation tool can help your ITE college or Teaching School, please contact our Perspective Team:
0845 833 0933
If you have any questions please call 0845 833 7830