An innovative tool for Local Authorities to efficiently distribute & collect files from schools & other settings. Get files exactly where they need to be, saving time & saving money.
Revolutionary File Collection

Issue File Requests
Easily request files from specific schools & target users by roles. Then, manage, search, filter & download files from one place.

Receive Files From Schools
Secure sending of files from schools back to the LA. Reject any files & add reasons the school can see.

Keep an Audit Trail
See the status of each file received from both LA and School levels. While retaining an impressive 30-day archive of files.
Distribution Delight

Intelligent Distribution
Upload. Preview. Distribute. Use a well-structured zip file to automagically match and distribute files to schools.

Send Confidential Files
Securely send any file to a specific user within any of the LA schools.

Clever Distribution to Roles
Share files with specific roles at each school through Perspective Lite, ensuring the right people access the correct information.

Easy Access for Schools
All schools get a free Perspective Lite licence to manage their files & it’s packed with other features.

NEXUS Integration
The Broadcast module sits inside Nexus (available to all NCER LAs in England).

Safe & Secure
No installation, access from any location, SSL secured, optional 2-factor authentication, permissions control access & visibility.
If you have any questions please call 0845 129 7197